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This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  admin 6 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #74855


    Within our solution a lot of the events show a list so when looking at them from the calendar view the various items on the list are on separate lines when they should not be and have been spaced properly in the original field. Also the text is incredibly small. Is there a way to increase the size of that?

  • #74859


    Hi Steven –

    Are you using the provided starter file, “soSIMPLE Calendar” or is this your own file?

    Within the soSIMPLE Calendar starter file, we use a calculation for the field “Event as shown on calendar”. The first line of that is “GetAsCss (Event Text)”. The GetAsCSS function takes any manual formatting you applied to your field and applies it to the format of the event.

    You can remove the GetAsCSS function from that calculation, and the event text will then be shown in the calendar’s default size and format (this default is set in the Theme setting in the soSIMPLE Calendar Settings file).  You can also completely rewrite this calculation (or your own if you’re in your own file) to show whatever you’d like in the text of the event. You can even add html tags to this calculation to format it however you’d like.

  • #74860


    The file is in our database and I we have no GetAsCSS function in any of the code i can find there. I have gone into the calendar settings and tried several manipulations of the theme dealing with the CSS to what appears to be no avail. I can only conclude I need to do it in the “soSimple Calendar” but the file is locked and I can’t seem to open the manage database window. Where do I need to go to correct the issue?

  • #74861


    Can you please send a couple of screenshots (use “Private Reply”) so I can understand the issue.

    Use the “Blank” theme to make sure no customization is getting in the way.

    Then check the Data Source you’re using and see if the “Event Text Display field” is mapped. It’s OK if it’s not – if it’s not, the “Event Text field” is used to display the event.

    Then go to the corresponding field in your database, and make sure there is no formatting on the field.

    To be clear about the relationship of the provided files:

    – soSIMPLE Calendar Settings is the configuration file. This file remains locked as you never need access to the underlying code. This is where you go to make any configuration changes to the calendar, including the Data Source the Theme.

    – soSIMPLE Calendar file is a starter solution. If you’ve embedded the calendar into your own solution using our recommended 5-minute integration method, you don’t need to reference this file at all. You do, however, receive a development password to this file when you purchase soSIMPLE so that you can use it, learn from it, and expand on it as you please.


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