This topic contains 3 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  admin 9 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #71259


    We are looking for a server-based schedule solution for our existing data structure…

    Can there be more than one type of resource per Event..

    like… Superviser; coworker and location (room)

    thanks for the info

  • #71260



    There are a few ways to handle that –

    • They could all just be considered “resources” and then you could filter what resources show in the calendar. For example, filter the resource list by those resources that are part of location. That method would enable you to see all resources at the same time on the same calendar.
    • another option – usually what I recommend, but it depends on your needs – create one “calendar” for each type of resource. Since calendars are so quick to set up, and can be based on other calendars, you can set up identical calendars in the Calendar Settings file and just change the resource when you map the fields. This method results in each calendar showing one type of resource.More discreet and easier to manage.

    There are other options, too, but I think these are the first two I would consider.

    I hope that helps.



  • #71262


    some more Q to that issuue
    > is it also posssible to setup new calenders (for ressources as you described)
    out auf a filemaker command (e.g. to create a new calender for a new employee)

    for solving that issue maybe in another way.. one more question
    > does your filter function also apply to custom fields
    .. e.g using custom fields for
    > links to a project
    > links to a machine

  • #71264


    The url filtering feature can apply to any field that you can put on a layout.

    That means that you can have a calendar that without a filter might show all events, and then add filters to just show events for a specific employee, or a specific job. It works basically by adding “&employee=john” or “&employee=1234” to the url. As long as there is a field for employee on your layout, you will filter the calendar to that employee.

    For more complicated filtering – usually populated with globals – where you want to filter by several fields, and the true/false of another field, for example (such as open jobs), you can set up a Server-Side Advanced Find script.

    Please let me know if there’s anything else we can answer for you.

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