This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  admin 7 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #74313



    hour height = 044 / the next is 084

    Is it also possible to set a height between 044 and 084 (for example 060)?

    instead of thank you for answer

  • #74314


    Hello D –

    You can enter any number in that setting. You’ll get a warning that you didn’t pick from the list, but it will still scale correctly.

    However – the lines on calendar itself don’t change, just the scale on the left. That’s why those numbers were chosen. Numbers in between won’t line up with the calendar grid. If you’re so inclined, you can edit the image files databg_now.png and databg.png to match your new height. These files are stored in the soSIMPLE web directory “imgs_” folders, depending on the layout type you chose.


  • #74315


    I just noticed that you posted in standalone section. Editing the image files is not an option for standalone calendars – just for FileMaker Server-powered.

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