This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  not_so_simple 8 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #73334

    When I selected Advanced Find, the calendar sometime show empty with no events display on desktop. Refresh does not help. This happens intermittently. In other words, sometime it works just fine. But other times, it show empty calendar.

    If I do not select Advanced Find, calendar works okay all the time. But I need the Advanced Find features

    Any suggestion what I should do ?

  • #73335


    The Advanced Find Script can get a little complicated. What I recommend is putting in debug points in the calendar and log or send information about the current status. Specifically, you’ll want to know the full script parameter sent to the script (you get sent the parameter you specified plus some built in parameters) and you’ll want to know what the current found set is at specific points in the script.

    Documentation: Advanced Find Server-Side Script

    One example that might return unexpected results is when an update script tries to update a specific event – the parameter “query_id” is sent, and you may have to account for that. Take a look at our sample script in the soSIMPLE Calendar file for the various parameters that can be sent to the Advanced Find script, and how we handle them.


    • #73338

      I restarted my Server. After that , everything works well as expected.

      Not sure why though

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