This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  admin 8 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #73209



    I notice that when in the Week view if I advance or go back to another week, the $$hash still says the original date, e.g, “#date=2016-09-05,mode=week” instead of “#date=2016-08-28,mode=week”. But then when I switch to Day view the calendar snaps back to today even though I would like to see a day last week.

    Is there a way to know what week the calendar is currently showing so that I could direct the Day view to display Monday of that week?


  • #73217


    The global variable, $$hash, is set at specific times – such as when the action script is run. So it doesn’t always correspond to what’s in the web viewer.

    If you’re controlling your own navigation, you may need to get the $$hash variable yourself. On systems that support it properly, you can get the hash string like this:

    Set Variable [$$hash, Let (

    _url =GetLayoutObjectAttribute ( $$calendar_object;”source” );

    If (PatternCount (_url;”#”)>0;Right (_url;Length (_url) – Position (_url;”#”;1;1) + 1);$$hash)


    In some versions of FileMaker, you’ll get a stale URL. But it should work most of the time. You’ll notice in our sample file we try to set the $$hash from parameters send to our Action Script as possible, for this reason.



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