This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  admin 7 years, 3 months ago.

  • Author
  • #74312

    Claus Pedersen

    I subscribe to an external iCal calendar, and I know this can’t be edited, but is there any way to retrieve data from the calendar when (double-)clicking it, or executing a script as with local calendars?


  • #74316


    Hi Claus –

    The events from iCal all come in read-only. So double-clicking them doesn’t trigger a script or initiate any action.

    If you’re interested in hiring us for custom development, we could change the behavior for specific iCal feeds to trigger a script and send some information about the event to the script. Changes wouldn’t be written back to the iCal source, but you could still perform some action based on the content of the iCal event.

    If you’d like an estimate for this work, please reply back as a private message.


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