This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  master 8 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #73193



    I read the following in the documentation of Server-Powered URL Filtering:

    The field you’re filtering on must not include a space or period. You may want to create a calculation field if this is a problem.

    Is this restriction for the field name or the data in the field? For instance, in the URL I include the clauses “&filter_resource=Dr. Mark” and “&resource=Dr. Mark”. On the Resources view only one resource is shown (correct). However on the Day view events for all the resources are shown (wrong). Is this because of the period in “Dr. Mark”?

    Thanks — Mark

  • #73195


    The period should work fine as part of the search criteria. I just tried it on our starter file by adding Dr. Mark to category.

    I suspect what’s actually happening is that the resource field is actually “Resource”. The field name is case sensitive. Can you verify that?

  • #73196


    That was it! I see now that the URL parameters are case sensitive. I already knew that because &filter_resource must be in lower case as written in the documentation (but not emphasized).

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by  master.

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