This topic contains 7 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Jon 8 years ago.

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  • #73333

    I registered the product with the license key. However, each time when I run the calendar , the watermark appears for a few seconds before disappearing.  This is quite annoying .

    What can I do to make watermark not appearing at all ?

    Thank you


  • #73336


    This sometimes happens after you’ve updated to the latest version. Go ahead and click register again and re-enter your information. The watermark should go away.

  • #73337


    If it still doesn’t go away, the latest version of soSIMPLE Calendar Settings also adds a description of licensing errors to the lower left corner of the calendar setup window.

  • #73339

    I did the registration again

    The watermark still appear whenever I change to different view. But when I move the mouse, the watermark will go away. This is much better than before

    May I know where is this ” description of licensing errors to the lower left corner of the calendar setup window” ? . I am not able to locate that description

    I am on version 3.43

    Thank you

  • #73359


    The watermark shows up when you are using a soSIMPLE version that you didn’t purchase. For example:

    • If you’re using standalone mode, but purchased server-powered
    • If you’re using server-powered, but purchased standalone
    • If you purchased single-user/small group, but you’re using FileMaker Server
    • In addition, if you have more than 5 unique data files being referenced by soSIMPLE Calendar Settings (you can reference as many tables as you want within any FileMaker file, but no more than 5 files total).

    If none of these apply to you, please send (as a private reply), a screenshot of your calendar showing the watermark in soSIMPLE Calendar Settings, and your registration name and key. We’ll get this resolved right away.


  • #73696


    Hi Ken,

    Sorry to tag on to an older thread, but I am having a similar issue. I just registered the “Server-Powered” version for a client. We are only hosting one calendar on their server, referencing one FileMaker file. I did have it setup for client side scripting though. Does the “Server-Powered” license only include server side scripting?

    I wanted to be able to control the Edit Event dialog box that opens as we need a lot more fields than what come up with the server side edit event dialog. As far as I can tell I can only use my own layout for the Edit Event dialog if I use client side scripting?



  • #73697


    Hi Jon –

    Server-powered includes server-side scripting & client-side scripting. That’s what you purchased, then review the list above to see if anything else is happening. Make sure your cache folder is can be cleared, too (click the gear icon and click “Clear Cache”).

    The edit dialog that comes up for web-based calendars can be customized, but not nearly to the degree you can with client-side scripting.

    You can add any custom fields you’d like to your Server-Side Async/Web-based Calendar:

    1. Add the fields you’d like to see in the popup window to the Data Source layout in your solution (or in our starter solution, if that’s what you’re using).
    2. Go to soSIMPLE Calendar Settings, select your calendar, and click “Edit” next to Data Source.
    3. Scroll to the bottom and click “Edit” next to “Custom Fields”
    4. Add any fields you’d like to show in the edit window

    In addition to showing the Custom Fields, soSIMPLE will automatically includes checkboxes or drop-down menus for fields that have value lists associated with the field on the data source layout.

    We are also able to completely customize the event window to show it exactly the way you’d like, with specific layout, color schemes, displays of value lists, etc. Please let me know the details if you’d like us to estimate that.


  • #73698


    Looks like it was a cache issue. Thanks again for your support Ken!

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