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  • in reply to: Map Default Location #76518


    Try this instead:

    scheduler.attachEvent(“onTemplatesReady”, function(){

    scheduler.config.map_initial_position = new google.maps.LatLng(27.1147021, -82.3804025);


  • in reply to: url custom for specific display view #76337


    You’re trying to change the view using the url, correct? The correct way to change to the resource view is to add “#mode=unit” to the end of your url.

    See here for more details and a list of all the modes/views:

    Jump to a specific date or calendar view

  • in reply to: Calender doesn't show Events anymore #75676


    Sorry for the delay.

    Make sure you didn’t make any changes to:

    • The user name & password you entered in the data source
    • The field names or the layout name for the data source

    You can check both of these by going to the soSIMPLE Calendar Settings, and clicking “Edit” next to the Data Source for the calendar you’re using .

    If all of these are in order. make sure PHP is still running properly on your server. You can check that by going to the root page for soSIMPLE and checking for errors:


  • in reply to: Scale on windows #75675


    Can you please provide additional information?

    Are you running server-powered?

    What version of soSIMPLE?

    What version of Windows? of IE?

    Can you provide a screenshot of the scaling issue so I understand what you mean by scaling it really small?

    Thank you.

  • in reply to: MBS Error #75674


    3.92 addresses this issue. You can download it here:

    Download soSIMPLE Calendar for FileMaker

  • in reply to: FM18 Version-Specific URLs #75673


    An upcoming release may support the fm18 custom protocol. In the meantime, you need to change the default app using a client setting:

  • in reply to: Sort Parameter in fmREST #75656


    For the function findRecords ($data) use an array of sort objects:

    $sortItem1[‘fieldName’] = “Text1”;
    $sortItem1[‘sortOrder’] = “descend”;
    $data[‘sort’] = array ($sortItem1);

    For the function getRecords ($parameters) use a JSON string:

    $parameters[‘_sort’] = ‘[
    {“fieldName”: “Text1″,”sortOrder”: “descend”},
    {“fieldName”: “Text2”, “sortOrder”: “descend”}

  • in reply to: Help #75640


    Please let us know if you’re still experiencing this issue. Keep in mind, for Standalone use, your file and soSIMPLE Calendar Settings must be in the same folder, and your file must be open first when you’re configuring the calendar.

  • in reply to: So Simple cannot Find The Settings File #75635


    It looks like you tried to paste a graphic, but it didn’t come through. Please click the “Attachments” button if you’re trying to post an image.

  • in reply to: Web Viewer no showing calendar #75634


    One significant thing to know about WebDirect is this – IF you’re using SSL to use WebDirect, your calendar URL also needs to use SSL. Otherwise it won’t show at all.

    In other words, if the WebDirect url is “https://”, the calendar url also needs to be “https://”

    If you’re using a Windows Server for hosting your calendar, just changing the URL should be sufficient. If you’re using your Mac FileMaker Server to host the PHP pages, you’ll have move the sosimple directory to the httpsRoot folder.


  • in reply to: Help #75629


    Are you running standalone or server powered?

    It sounds like standalone. With standalone you always want to have your database open when you’re configuring it.


    When do you get the message that the database needs to be open?

  • in reply to: Mobile view config #75626


    To hide the “+” button, add the following to your Custom CSS:

    .webix_view.webix_control.webix_el_button.add {

    display: none !important;


    The edit button has no such unique ID – we’ll either have to write custom code for this, or find a unique CSS path.

    The latest version of soSIMPLE includes newer code for the mobile portion. You can test it here, before you upgrade. Let us know if it fixes the double-click issue.

  • in reply to: general question about usage ( not purchase yet) #75574

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  • in reply to: general question about usage ( not purchase yet) #75571

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  • in reply to: general question about usage ( not purchase yet) #75569


    Hi Marcus –

    Thank you so much for trying soSIMPLE.

    1) The single user solution works differently from the teams version. I would recommend purchasing teams if you have access to FileMaker Server. The single user version also cannot be run on server.

    2) The “soSIMPLE Calendar” file is unlocked upon purchase. The Settings file is not. More info here.

    3) Yes – Italiano is supported. We automatically translate day & month names, etc. to around 40 languages. We also provide an easy method to customize any other text on the calendar.

    4) We have a unique method of connecting to your data. Instead of having you move all your data to our starter file, we instead recommend that you embed a calendar in your own app. That way you get all the benefits of your own development, with the calendar interface right inside your file. I recommend taking a look at our 5-minute integration guide to understand how to put a calendar into your solution. You can even complete the entire integration before you purchase. You’ll just be left with a watermark on the calendar.

  • in reply to: Weeks in resource view #75566

    This reply has been marked as private.
  • in reply to: copy an event #75549


    Hi William.

    This can be achieved by editing your soSIMPLE Action Script.

    Scroll down to the section that starts with:

    Else If [ $event_type=”Edit” ] 

    Right after the “Find” step, test for whether your option/alt key is being held down. If it is, then duplicate the found record before proceeding. (our sample script defines $modifer at the top of the script). Your new snippet will look something like this:

    Else If [ $event_type=”Edit” ]


    # – User is editing the event by dragging it on the calendar

    # – Our example opens a new window off-screen, finds the event, and sets the fields to the dragged area closes the window.

    # – Since this an edit from the client-side calendar is just date, time and/or resource, you don’t need to confirm the change.


    New Window [ Style: Document ; Name: “Event” ; Top: -3100 ; Left: -3100 ]

    Go to Layout [ $data_layout_name ; Animation: None ]

    Set Variable [ $toc ; Value: Get(LayoutTableName) & “::” ]

    Enter Find Mode [ Pause: Off ]

    Set Field By Name [ $toc & $event_id_field ; $event_id ]

    Set Error Capture [ On ]

    Perform Find []

    Set Error Capture [ Off ]


    If [ $modifier = 8 or $modifier=16 ]

           Duplicate Record/Request

    End If

    Set Field By Name [ $toc & $date_start_field ; GetAsDate($from) ]

    Set Field By Name [ $toc & $date_end_field ; GetAsDate($to) ]

    Set Field By Name [ $toc & $time_start_field ; If ($untimed; GetAsTime(“”);GetAsTime($from)) ]

    Set Field By Name [ $toc & $time_end_field ; If ($untimed; GetAsTime(“”);GetAsTime($to)) ]

    Set Field By Name [ $toc & $event_unit_field ; $unit ]

    Set Field By Name [ $toc & $show_only_field ; 1 ]

    Set Field By Name [ $toc & $unscheduled_field ; $unscheduled_flag ]


    # — sets id to refresh just that event in the calendar

    Set Variable [ $id ; Value: GetField ($toc & $event_id_field) ]

    Now, every time you drag an event on the calendar with the option or alt key held down, you’ll be duplicating the event.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by  admin.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by  admin.
  • in reply to: How can I get only related events to show? #75548


    Yes – you need to add filter to the URL in your web viewer. The format is “&fieldname=value”. So for your example, you’ll probably have a foreign key field in every event that holds the project key. Let’s assume it’s called “zk_F_Project”.

    1. Make sure the foreign key field, zk_F_Project, is on the layout defined in your soSIMPLE data source.
    2. Typically, you’d put the web viewer holding the calendar on a layout in the Project table occurrence.
    3. If the primary key field on your Project table is “zk_P_Project”, you would add to the end of your web viewer calculation:
      & “&zk_F_Project=” & Project::zk_P_Project

    This will filter your calendar to show only events where zk_F_Project matches the primary key in your projects table. Of course, you should replace the field & table names to match your own.

    See this page for more details:

    Server-Powered Quick Filter (URL Filtering)

    We also have an extensive YouTube video on filtering. You can see that here (note the table of contents in the description):

  • admin

    This was a bug in earlier version of soSIMPLE. The fix was to re-register the software (even if it already appears registered). Then it doesn’t happen any more.

  • in reply to: Clicks in Calendar did don´t work #75540


    If I’m not mistaken, what you’re calling the tooltip is the QuickInfo panel.

    The distinction is that the tooltip shows up when you hover over an event. The contents of the tooltip is determined by a field in your database (the one mapped to “tooltip” in soSIMPLE Settings).

    The QuickInfo panel is only enabled when you turn on “Touch Enhancements”. It’s intended to be used on touch devices because it provides an easier way to preview the event, and provides larger buttons for our big fingers to click.

    The text in the QuickInfo is the “Event Details” field – the same as what’s shown in the event cell on the calendar. The date display is automatically calculated based on your local language. Although we did verify a bug in the date display in the QuickInfo panel, which shows “Week Of..” in multi day events. That will be fixed in an upcoming release. In the meantime, you can paste the following code into “Custom JS” to patch your version:

    scheduler.templates.quick_info_date = function(start, end, ev){

    if (scheduler.isOneDayEvent(ev)){

    return scheduler.templates.day_date(start, end, ev) + ” ” +

    scheduler.templates.event_header(start, end, ev);


    return scheduler.templates.day_date(start, end, ev) + ” – ” +

    scheduler.templates.day_date(end, end, ev)



    For your white-on-white icon, I actually recommend hiding it by changing your soSIMPLE Settings “Options” to have “Event Action Icon” only show Delete. The Details button will always show unless the calendar/event is read-only.  The Edit button is usually the same function as the Details, so it’s redundant in that window. You can also  add the following to your Custom CSS if you want to keep the button:

    .dhx_qi_big_icon.icon_edit div {

    color: black;

    padding-left: 18px;


    Note: the “Edit” button is different functionality from the “Details” button only when “Always Show Details to Edit” is turned off and only applies to web calendars (Server-Side Async). This effectively turns on in-line editing, and the edit button can then be used to enter the event editing area.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by  admin.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by  admin.
  • in reply to: Get Date #75534


    Actually, MBS isn’t used at all for that purpose. The only thing we use MBS for is refreshing a single event at a time, instead of redrawing the entire web viewer.

    You can get the current date and the current view at any time by using the following function:


    The end of the URL – everything after the hash tag (#) will show the current date and the current view in this format:


    This section of the URL is updated automatically as you navigate the calendar. See here for more information about that format:

    Jump to a specific date or calendar view

  • in reply to: Clicks in Calendar did don´t work #75530


    What version of Windows are you using? What version of soSIMPLE? Older versions of soSIMPLE may need to be upgraded to work with new Windows security updates.

    Also, in Windows you may need to turn on ActiveX security settings in Internet Explorer. Follow these instructions:

    1. Open Internet Explorer (not Edge – IE is the backbone of FileMaker’s web viewer)
    2. Open the url that you’re using for your calendar
    3. Click the gear icon, and choose “Internet Options” from the menu.
    4. Click the Security tab
    5. Click “Custom Level”
    6. “Run ActiveX Controls and Plugins” should be turned on.

    You may need to restart FileMaker.

    A client who was rolling this out to many users, made this same change in a registry setting:

    Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones\1


  • in reply to: VCALENDAR no result #75528


    I’m sorry for the late reply. There a couple of settings you can check. If this doesn’t help, we can set up a remote support session to resolve this.

    • what version of soSIMPLE are you using?
    • try changing data source settings FileMaker Server address.
      • the default is “Single Server”. Try that if it’s been changed.
      • changing it to “Localhost” may also resolve the issue.
      • changing it to the fqdn or ip address of the FileMaker Server may also help.
    • Additional questions, if those don’t help:
      • what version of FileMaker Server are you running? What OS?
      • Are you using REST or PHP in the soSIMPLE config file (PHP is default)?
      • Are you seeing errors in the WPE log in FileMaker Server/Logs folder? (or DAPI log for Data API)?

    Again, happy to set up a remote support session if the data source settings don’t resolve the issue.


  • in reply to: Subscription calendars not displaying in filemaker #75527


    Hi Kevon  –

    Keep in mind that these subscriptions are pulled on the server, not the client. So make sure that you can access the subscriptions from the Server. We’ve looked into issues like this before only to find that there was no DNS settings on the server, so the server couldn’t access any outside services.

  • in reply to: Events not showing in calendar / European date format #75522


    Hi Anders –

    These may both be the same problem – the soSIMPLE Calendar Settings > Options > Date Format doesn’t match the date format of your file. The date format of the file is set when the file is created and when a clone is made.

    Test those two issues (especially the second one) when the date format is American, then when it’s European.

    What is your system date format look like? Where are you located?

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