Forum Replies Created
Hi Jo –
What version of soSIMPLE are you using?
Also, have you changed any field names or layout names?
The top of the soSIMPLE Action Script sets up three variables that the rest of the script is dependent on. This includes event id, date & time, etc. Try this and tell me how it works:
Open soSIMPLE Settings file and navigate to your calendar.
Click “Use In FileMaker Pro”
Click “Copy just Variable Steps”Now go to your action script in your solution, and paste these steps in place of your existing “set variable” script steps.
Let me know how that works.
> Is it possible to hide the display of dates in these events?
Yes, that’s simply a calculation field in your solution file. If you’re integrating this with your own solution, you can set it to whatever you want. If you’re going to be using the soSIMPLE Calendar file, you can change that calculation after you’ve received your license key.> Is it possible to NOT highlight today’s square with that yellow background?
Yes, paste the following into “Custom CSS”, under the “Theme” settings.
.dhx_now .dhx_month_body {
}> Why does it say 10/12-10/11 after Columbus Day? That’s not how I created the event.
I’d have to look into the event. What date and times did you set it to?
> Is it possible to CENTER text across a multi-day event? So that the title would appear in the center of the red bar instead of at the left edge?
Yes. Go into “Theme” and change the “Multiday Event” setting by changing Text Align to “Center”
> Is it possible to make the font size bigger PER EVENT rather than globally?
This can be done right in your calculation in the solution file (same as the first question). The trick with being able to do that is to wrap the entire calculation in “GetAsCSS()” . This FileMaker function turns any format changes made manually to the field, or through text formatting functions in the calculation, into CSS-compliant text. That allows soSIMPLE Calendar to display it exactly as it shows up in your field.
Our soSIMPLE Calendar solution file does this already – go ahead and change the font in any event – it will change in the calendar, too.
Hi Jon –
1 – For the remote access issues, please make sure you can access the FileMaker PHP technology test page remotely. I don’t think SSL is causing an issue, since it doesn’t sound like you’re using https. You’d have to have specifically pointed to https, and it doesn’t sound like you are. If you are, then you must redirect port 443 as well. But it does sound like somethings wrong with the router or the web hosting setup. First thing to check is the PHP Technology Test page.
2 – I certainly see the issue. Everything you describe seems to be right: the fields are being set by the script, so the names of the fields seem right. The variables in data view all look correct for US format. Did you create this file from scratch, on machine that is set up with US time? There are two things you can look at to see what’s going on:
- debug a different date, like 10/5/2015. Walk it through the debugger. See if the date shows up as May 10 or October 5, or still shows a question mark.
- check the File > File Options > Text tab. If your machine is set up to use US time, make sure that says “Always use current system settings”. If it says “Always use file’s saved settings”, the file may have been created on a system set up with a different date format, and that’s the format being used for interpreting your date entry.
Let me know what you find out.
If your router’s set up right, the public IP should allow both in-house & outside users access the calendar. The local IP will only allow in-house users access.
Also, the calendar runs on Port 80 by default. So you need that port directed for remote users. I think I misread the question the first time.
Hi Jon –
1 –
If I understand, the solution works when FileMaker Pro is running on the same computer as FileMaker Server? If that’s the case, make sure that the PHP-URL is set to the actual IP address of the machine, not to “localhost” or to “”. Those setting are under the Gear Icon.2 –
Make sure you’ve set the date format correctly under “Options”. Question marks usually show up when you use a date format other than the American date format, but you’re set to “American.”
See this article for detailsThe local variables for the Action script get set automatically when you double-click or move the event. You can throw up script debugger if you’re using FileMaker Pro Advanced to see what they’re set to.
Thank you for the update. Please send a private message back if you have not received the key. We just had it re-sent.
For the $$hash – we recommend just adding it to the startup or setup script, not the refresh script. The purpose of the variable is to allow you to stay on the same view and same day you were on whenever you refresh the calendar. By putting it in the refresh script, every refresh will reset your calendar back to today’s date and the unit view. Probably, you just want the initial view to be the resource view.
Thank you for your purchase.
When copying the scripts into your own solution, you can set the $$hash variable in the soSIMPLE Startup Script. That variable will be used when setting up your calendar. You can also add it right to the Calendar Setup script.
I’m sorry you weren’t able to import your settings. If you’d like to import again, we’ve updated our instructions on our update page. I suspect what happened was that your changes were made to the locked/default settings groups, which don’t get imported. Take a look here:
You should have received a license key and welcome email automatically when you purchased. Please check your spam folder, and let me know if you need the key re-sent. It comes from either or
Hi Jovo –
If you’re using our supplied “My Calendar Solution” file, you can edit the script “Set Calendar ID and Layouts for Platform ([Advanced?])”. Change the variable $$hash to “#mode=unit”
If you are integrating from scratch using these instructions, you can add it right to the end of the web viewer calculation. -
Hi Adrian –
I’ve contacted you offline. Please also check that your PHP technology test page works.
Thanks -
If you add “#mode=day” to the end of the url, you will default to day view. -
You can change this field to a calculation and write something similar to:
Case (
Category = “category 1”; “red”;
Category = “category 2”; “green”;
)If you want to make it based on a table, the way we did with Staff, you’d probably want to create another table called “Category” and link it to the Event table by Category name. Then you can just change the color field to read:
Let me know if that helps.
Yes – in our example file we use color fields for the events. Those fields can be a calculation so that they can be based on anything – category, status, resource, etc.
The result of the calculation can be a color name (“red”, “blue”, etc.) or a web hex result (“#00FFCC”).
Let me know if that helps, or if I can answer any other questions.
Changing the date format in “Options” should change to that format when calling the script. Its possible that the calendar that you’re working with in the Settings file is a different calendar than the one in your web viewer.
I’ll be happy to set up a remote support session with you. I’ll arrange that with you offline.
getasdate (“25/08/2015 14:30:00”) should resolve to October 25th, 2015 when you’re using a FileMaker file that was created using an OS set to this date format (and “Always use file’s saved settings” is selected in File > File Options > Text > Data Entry, if different regions use the file). Is that date format the one that you use, or is your format different than that? Can you plug that function into data viewer and let me know what you see?
The client script that runs is the same whether you’re using standalone or server-powered. For this script, it doesn’t matter how the field is displayed on the layout.
Let me know how that goes. If you’d like we can schedule a remote support session – just click “Set as Private Reply” below with a couple of times that work for you.
Thanks Alan –
We will be posting a page specifically for FMPhost shortly.
In the meantime, FMP host will provide you with TWO addresses – the web address (WEB) and the FileMaker Server address (MASTER + WPE). Using those definitions, the bottom of this page will provide a reference:
Here are the specific steps:
- Upload the FIleMaker files to the FileMaker Server (“My Calendar Solution” and soSIMPLE Calendar Settings)
- Edit the config.php file in the soSIMPLE web folder, by setting Host to the MASTER ip address.
- Put the soSIMPLE web folder into your web hosting root using FTP.
- Ask FMPHost to place the FileMaker standalone class files into the soSIMPLE web folder on your server.
- Open soSIMPLE Calendar Settings, and
- click the gear icon on the main screen to show the settings
- uncheck the “always use standalone” checkbox and
- enter the WEB ipaddress (the full path) into the “path to php file”
- For any Data Source setup (the connections to your file, or “My Calendar Solution”), use the MASTER address instead of “Single Server”
Hi Thomas –
It looks like everything is all set, except for “telling” soSIMPLE Calendar Settings where to find the page you installed.
- Open Calendar Builder
- Click on the Gear icon under the list of calendars
- In the settings window, you’ll see the same path you listed above inside a field labeled “URL to php page”
- If you’ve installed web publishing on the same machine as FileMaker Server, clicking the “Use Default” link will fix this. Otherwise, you will have to find the full public path to that page. It will look something like this: “http://ipaddress_of_your_web_server/sosimple/sosimple_cal.php”
Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any more difficulties.
This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by
a) yes – each event can be marked as read-only. This will stop it from being dragged in the calendar.
b) double-clicking or dragging an event or anywhere else on the calendar runs your own script in your own solution – you can customize it any way you want.
I recommend downloading a copy and taking it for a ride. I think you’ll be very pleased.
Nice idea, Guenter.
We can certainly accomplish this with custom development if you’d like. Contact us here for that. We will also consider that for a future release.
The url filtering feature can apply to any field that you can put on a layout.
That means that you can have a calendar that without a filter might show all events, and then add filters to just show events for a specific employee, or a specific job. It works basically by adding “&employee=john” or “&employee=1234” to the url. As long as there is a field for employee on your layout, you will filter the calendar to that employee.
For more complicated filtering – usually populated with globals – where you want to filter by several fields, and the true/false of another field, for example (such as open jobs), you can set up a Server-Side Advanced Find script.
Please let me know if there’s anything else we can answer for you.
There are a few ways to handle that –
- They could all just be considered “resources” and then you could filter what resources show in the calendar. For example, filter the resource list by those resources that are part of location. That method would enable you to see all resources at the same time on the same calendar.
- another option – usually what I recommend, but it depends on your needs – create one “calendar” for each type of resource. Since calendars are so quick to set up, and can be based on other calendars, you can set up identical calendars in the Calendar Settings file and just change the resource when you map the fields. This method results in each calendar showing one type of resource.More discreet and easier to manage.
There are other options, too, but I think these are the first two I would consider.
I hope that helps.
Click the button that says “Use in iCal”.
Paste that into your web browser, and before hitting return add an ampersand, followed by the field name where the student name or ID lives, then the name or ID of the student.
So it will look like this:
http://…..?…&feed=ical&studentid=1234That should filter the iCal feed just to that student. We’ve used this technique effectively by calculating this string and adding it to the student profile either in FileMaker Pro, or on an intranet site.
I believe, without having tested it explicitly, that the id field can be in a related join table if you indicate the join in the url (feed=ical&studs::studentid=1234). Also the field you’re filtering by MUST be on the data source layout, and shouldn’t contain any spaces.
It sounds like you have not chosen European time. Please see these articles, and let me know if they provide a solution. Thanks. -
You’re probably seeing this message because you loaded it automatically when setting up the calendar in soSIMPLE Calendar Settings (clicking one of the copy buttons), then (in a different session) used the soSIMPLE Calendar solution file (or your file) without calling that script (or calling it with the “noplugin” parameter).
As a result, the MBS plugin was loaded and registered the first time you used it. But when you quit and reopened FileMaker Pro, the plugin was already loaded, but needed to be re-registered.
We will make sure to check our registration script to always register it if it’s already installed.
In the meantime you can either remove it from your extensions folder, or change the soSIMPLE Startup script to call the “startup soSIMPLE Registration & MBS Plugin loader” script without any parameter. That will load and register the plugin for all users.
Using soSIMPLE does not require this plugin. It will work fine if it is not on your machine.
We do include a license to use it with our product. We install it in two instances:
1) We install it and register it automatically when you click any of the “Copy Layout/Script/etc.” buttons.
2) We install and register it when you call the script “startup soSIMPLE Registration & MBS Plugin loader” in the soSIMPLE Calendar Settings file. In the included solution file, we call it with a parameter “noplugin”, so the plugin doesn’t load by default. Removing the parameter will load and register the plugin for all users using the solution.End-users will want to use this plugin when they both (1) are in Server-Powered mode, Client-Side Scripting and (2) they want to refresh a single event in the calendar, rather than refreshing the entire calendar, after editing the event. Without the plugin, the whole web viewer refreshes. With the plugin, only the single event updates itself, making the update instantaneous.