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Are you already using your own FileMaker database?
I would start with the integration outlined here.
When we talk about resources in soSIMPLE, we’re specifically talking about the columns and the rows that you want to show on the calendar at the same time. The calendar can certainly handle all your 250 teachers as a resource, for example, but I don’t think it would be useful to show all of them at once. It’s probably far too many rows to be able to visualize. At first glance, I would think the rooms are the resources – students and teachers can still be assigned to events, but don’t need their own columns.
Having said that, we have a great many ways to filter your calendar that will allow you to easily visualize the groups of teachers you’re trying to coordinate.
You also mention allowing individuals to know who they’re teaching with. By adding a URL Filter to your calendar, you can choose to show just a single teacher’s events, along with columns or rows for each room (if that’s convenient for you).
Once you’ve filtered the events for a single teacher (or parent/student, for that matter) you can quickly provide web access to the calendar for those people, without web direct, and without using up FileMaker licenses.
Let us know if you have any other questions.
Thanks for the update, Evan. When you say you added additional fields until you saw the issue again – were you adding the fields just to the layout, and that caused problems? Or was it when you added a field to the Data Source settings? If it was the latter, which field were you mapping it to?
Hi Evan –
Are you using REST in your config.php file?
I’ve merged the questions again. Please reply to this thread rather than creating a new thread.
I didn’t see that you were using an alternate port – I see now that we had a brief correspondence via email.
I assume you’re using FileMaker 16 or earlier? I do not believe that FMS17 allows custom ports. Or are you redirecting ports using a different method?
Did you change the port in the Data Source setup as per our email exchange?
Assuming you’re hosting on a single-server (PHP on the same address as FileMaker server), for alternate ports:
- change the config.php file in your php directory to: “<your fqdn here>:<port#>”. Watch out for breaking the straight quotes.
- change the “URL to php” field in soSIMPLE Calendar Settings to “https://<your fqdn here>/sosimple/sosimple_cal.php:<port#>”
- change the Data Source Host from Single Server to “<your fqdn here>:<port#>”
If you have multiple servers, the instructions will differ.
Full reference for this is here:
Please see my previous reply. I’ve merged your two questions, as they’re really the same.
Have you gone through the integration step-by-step?
Five Minute Integration (server-powered)
Make sure the user name and password is correct in the data source set up and that the assigned user has FMPHP extended privilege set in your data source. (and FMREST, too, if you’re using that).
Sorry – fmGateway can’t update existing records in FileMaker. You can add a new related record using fmGateway, then post-process with a script later to update a record.
We’re helping you directly with this. But it sounds like upgrading soSIMPLE fixed this for you.
I imagine you’re seeing the buttons overlap the display of the current date or week.
There are few things you can do –
- you can use a larger web viewer. this isn’t typically an issue when you have a full size display.
- you can remove buttons in the upper left &/or mini-cal icon/prev/next/today in the upper right (soSIMPLE Calendar Settings – click on your calendar and click “edit” next to the “Layout”.)
- you can use the mobile view, which is designed for small screens (also in layout)
- you could disable navigation (under options). this removes the whole navigation bar. Then you’d alter the URL using FileMaker scripting to navigate the calendar instead.
- we could create custom code to remove the current date display (the text in the middle of the navigation area).
Hi Debbie –
Of course it’s hard to tell without seeing your solution. But if I can infer from your description, are you showing many dates from the same table? If that’s the case, please keep in mind that each event has to have a unique ID otherwise they’ll interfere with each other on the calendar. If that’s what you’re doing, you’ll have to work out a way to have a unique ID field for each date type.
Currently our limit is 11 data sources (from up to 5 unique files). Typically we start considering data structure when it’s more than that. If I’m right about your schema, what I would suggest if possible, is to use a separate “milestones” table to record your dates – that will solve both issues – single data source and unique IDs for each milestone.
Hi Christophe –
More than likely, this is because you are not using a secure connection in your browser. The fmREST functions will only store the token when you’re in a secure session in your browser. We store the session using a secure cookie.
If you’re calling this as an internal hook, the tool you’re using for your hook must support cookies and must be called using “https”. Otherwise the cookie won’t be stored.
I’m not sure if this applies to you, but I did just search to see if FileMaker supports cookies in the insert from url script step, and it looks like you need to program for it: -
Hi Evan –
You are correct. In our starter file “soSIMPLE Calendar.fmp12,” we have a script called “Update Lat Lng”. We run this script every time we update an event (from the Action script) and check if the location has changed. If the location has changed we get a new lat lng using Google Maps api.
The Update Lat Lng script sets lat/lng using a Set field from URL script step. The URL includes the full address to be mapped.
You need add the API key from Google to that URL in the form &key=<api key>.
The API key from Google must have rights to the Google Geoquery API.
In our example file, the final url looks like this:
Substitute ( “<your google key>&address=” & calendar_data::Location ; ” ” ; “+” )
What version of PHP are you using? It sounds like you may be using a version lower than 5.5, which is required for that step.
It sounds more than likely that your PHP engine has stopped on your FileMaker Server.
Go to the soSIMPLE URL, without the parameters (https://<yourserver>/sosimple/sosimple_cal.php) and see if you have a more descriptive error at the bottom of that page.
Have you tried rebooting FileMaker Server, or restarting the Web Publishing Engine? You can do that using the command line on your server:
Hi Aydin –
If you’re using FileMaker Server, you need soSIMPLE for Teams.
In general, we recommend soSIMPLE for Teams when possible, because they operate a bit differently.
You are correct. We do not yet support direct upload of containers. You must run a script in your server or client side to get the container data.
October 5, 2018 at 3:42 pm in reply to: Server-side does not fire action script for opening of event #75203
Hi Mike –
That is correct, by design.
Anytime any events are changed on the calendar (by saving or by dragging and dropping), the action script is run. I believe all the parameters are listed work in WebDirect except the open parameter. The open parameter is a UI convention so it doesn’t work natively in web viewers in WebDirect.
We do have a method running UI scripts in WebDirect (which is what it sounds like you’re trying to do), but it would involve some custom development to get it going for you.
Your FileMaker PHP class file is missing from the server where you installed the soSIMPLE pages.
When you install soSIMPLE on a separate server from FMS, you need to also include the “Standalone PHP Class” file that FileMaker provides when you install Server ( If you are on a third-party host, they can provide it for you. The class consists of a file (“FileMaker.php”) and a folder (“FileMaker”). Both of those can just be put into the soSIMPLE folder.
You can also grab a copy here, which has been cleaned up for PHP7. I believe that the latest version, though labeled 15, works with FMS17.
This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by
This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by
Hi Thiya –
Thank you for inquiring.
I suggest downloading soSIMPLE and installing it on your server (installation instructions are included with the download). When you configure it, use “server-side async“. That means that it uses the server to update events instead of FileMaker Pro scripts.
Please let us know if you need a hand getting that going.
Glad that worked out for you Paul.
Just keep in mind, that’s not the “right” way to do that. It essentially bypasses the secure certificate on your server. The right way is to determine why the secure certificate is not being accepted by your PHP code. The first thing I would try is make sure that you’re using a fully qualified domain name, and you have a certificate installed on your server with that domain name. Always use an intermediate certificate, even if FileMaker doesn’t require one.
You might need to run through all the steps again with a fresh backup. Before you start:
– backup your file so you don’t lose anything
– delete all of the sosimple scripts (if you made modifications you’ll need to add them back in later)
– delete the web viewer on your calendar layout (otherwise the name of the calendar object will be “web calendar copy” instead of the expected name).
– Then walk through each step of the integration article for Standalone, making sure that the scripts are named properly (not “soSIMPLE 2”, for example), and that the export step references the correct data.json field.
Make sure you’re following the standalone integration article.
Are you using the provided soSIMPLE Calendar file, or did you do your own integration?
If it’s your own integration, did you review the integration video/article to make sure you’re not missing anything?
It sounds like you’re talking not about tooltips, but about the quick info window. The tooltips don’t have a details button.
The quick info window appears when you select “touch enhancements” in the Options section of soSIMPLE Calendar Settings (or using the related url parameter “&cal_touch”). It makes it easier for people using an iPad or other touch device to open events. To disable it, turn off those options.
Hi Jim –
soSIMPLE does use individual records for all events. Because the design of soSIMPLE is to allow FileMaker developers to access events from both the calendar, and using their own scripts and tools, we wanted to be sure that the events were not hidden, and were searchable like any other record in their FileMaker database. So each event is just a simple record.
In our starter file, we do use a method to create and manage the duplicate events. In that example, we use a key field to link the events.
Thanks for reaching out – please do let us know if you have any other questions.
Based on our offline conversation, this appears to be a non-standard port. I sent some more specific instructions, but this is a similar post here: