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  • in reply to: Smartphone Calendar #74785


    First, change your calendar to “Server-Side Async” in soSIMPLE Calendar Settings, then go to “Options” and change “Read Only” to true – this will remove the “+” and the edit buttons.

  • in reply to: filtering events using Display Record Flag #74744


    I do not know what you changed regarding “Redraw” not functioning.

    I do recommend FMPAdvanced if you’re doing any development with FileMaker. It adds a lot of useful tools that we rely on every day.

    Every object on a FileMaker layout has an object name. If you click the object and choose “Inspector” it shows in the “name” field.

  • in reply to: filtering events using Display Record Flag #74739


    Hi Vicente –

    The goal is to find out what the actual URL is in your web viewer – that’s the only way to know why it’s filtering when you say it shouldn’t be filtering.

    The easiest way to do that is to open the Data Viewer tool from the Tools menu (I’m assuming you’re using FileMaker Pro Advanced. If you’re not using FMP Advanced, you can do it with the calculation you’re using, but make sure you’ve selected “Do not store calculation results” from the storage options of that calculation otherwise it won’t re-calculate as the web viewer changes).

    Also make sure that the web viewer object is name “web_calendar”. That’s the first parameter of this command.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by  admin.
  • in reply to: URL calendar color filtering #74736


    Have you tried the built-in printing mechanism? It creates a PDF of the calendar for you. Just run the script “Calendar Utility” with the parameter “pdf”.

    As for dynamic colors from the URL – that would require custom development.

    I recommend instead defining another calendar in soSIMPLE Calendar Settings using all the same settings except don’t map the event color fields. Then all of the events will show up as the default color.

    You can then set the default color (in the data source) to whatever color you’d like that to be.

    Then, when you want to print, change the url in the web viewer to the second calendar you defined. Use the same $$hash tags and filters to keep the same day and view.


  • in reply to: filtering events using Display Record Flag #74735


    With server-powered calendars, the view is filtered by the URL – no matter whether you set URL by calculation or by using a script.

    It sounds like your URL is filtered when you first open the calendar, and the refresh script changes the URL. The best way to check this is to see what the URL is when you first open the calendar. You can do this using this FileMaker function in your Data Viewer:

    GetLayoutObjectAttribute(“web_calendar”; “source”)


  • in reply to: filtering events using Display Record Flag #74721


    There’s a re-login button on the Preferences > Calendar Options tab.

    Or you can use the FileMaker method of holding the Option key (on the Mac) or the Shift key (on Windows) down while opening the file. That will force a login prompt.



  • in reply to: filtering events using Display Record Flag #74719



    But you wouldn’t use “display records flag” for that purpose. Display record flag is a stored field in your event. So it’s useful for “pre-filtering” events that you know will never show on the calendar.

    To filter the calendar specifically for individual users, or by users selecting a setting from a global field, you will alter the URL to perform the filter. You simply add to the url the field you which to filter by, and the value you expect in the field.

    Server-Powered Quick Filter (URL Filtering)

    See how we’ve done it in the starter file that comes with the soSIMPLE download.  In that example we use scripts to set the URL. But you can also simply define the web viewer object to check your global field. For example, to only show events that are assigned to me (as entered into an event fields called “assign”), I would add to the URL: “assign=ken”.

  • in reply to: displaying custom fields in calendar #74716


    The FileMaker function getascss() will maintain your formatting on the calendar.

  • in reply to: displaying custom fields in calendar #74713


    Hi Vicente –

    The text that shows in each event box is determined by the field “Event Text display field”. You can use a FileMaker calculation to make that field anything you’d like.

  • in reply to: calendar not displaying #74711


    Please see:

    Unregistered Plugin

  • in reply to: Delete Strange behaviour #74696

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  • in reply to: Delete Strange behaviour #74692



    We confirmed that there is an issue removing deleted events from that script.

    We’ll address that during an upcoming release. In the meantime, we recommend refreshing all events after a deletion instead of updating a single event. You can do this by sending an empty parameter to the the Update Event script. That will force a redraw of all events.



  • in reply to: calendar not displaying #74691


    The purpose of the button is to Resume a paused script.

    It sounds like you set the button to Pause for 5 seconds, instead of resuming.

    Don’t assign a script to the button. Instead assign a single step – “Resume Script”

  • in reply to: calendar not displaying #74687


    It’s probably not freezing.

    The script that runs has a pause step. Pressing the enter key will continue the script.

    You don’t need to use a different TO – it’s just a best practice. It will work fine either way.

  • in reply to: calendar not displaying #74684


    You just forgot the “http://” at the beginning of the URL to the server.

    I added that and it looks like you’re good to go.

    I should also point out that because you’re connecting to FileMaker securely, but you’re using a non-secure url to your web page, some features (like WebDirect) won’t work properly. Moving your pages to a secure server will fix that.



  • in reply to: calendar not displaying #74682


    Because you’re on a third party host, your configuration is not the “standard” configuration. So you must be sure to set the IP address everywhere that’s in the 3rd party host doc:

    1) in the config.php file

    2) in the “url to php page” in Settings (under the gear)

    You may also have to change the setting in the Data Source to specify the IP address of the FileMaker Server.

    If you’d like, you can mark your reply as private and send me the address to your FM Server and I can take a look at the config for the sample file.

  • in reply to: calendar not displaying #74679


    Hi there vicente95650 –

    FMPHost may filter visibility of your files based on your login. Does it prompt you for a password when browsing files? Use the user name config & password config to browse for the Settings file. You’ll receive the user name & password for the Calendar file after purchase. You can also change your own passwords.

    The reason you don’t see a calendar when opening this file on your server is because you have probably not installed the PHP files required for server-powered installation, or you are not pointing to them from the Settings file. Please follow these instructions to install the PHP files:

    Installing on 3rd-party Hosts

    Make sure you go step-by-step and test the installation where mentioned in the article.

    We also offer an integration special where we do the whole thing for you.

  • in reply to: Year View #74675


    Hi Craig –

    You can’t use global fields for assigning values in soSIMPLE.

    You can use a calculated field in your events table that always = “white” and is set to always calculate.

    If you prefer not so set up a separate field, you can also use a “default” text color. Each data source has its own default color, text color, resource, and event type. Click on the “Edit” link next to the Data Source in soSIMPLE Calendar Settings (v 3.5 or greater).

  • in reply to: Year View #74671


    Hi Craig

    If you assign a color to the “text color” field in your FileMaker file, that should be reflected in year view.

  • in reply to: Google Maps not showing addresses #74667


    1) The Google Maps API key will be erased at startup during your evaluation period. Once you’ve registered your software, the key will stay in place.

    2) Getting your Maps view to show all your addresses may require a little bit of set up, depending on a few things. Here are the things you need to do to set up your maps tab.

    1. As you saw, you need to put in a valid Google Maps API key. They’re pretty easy to get. See here.
    2. You must map your fields in Data Source settings. You need to connect these fields to fields in your solution: Location, Latitude, and Longitude
    3. If you were using Server-side Async for the web, latitude and longitude would be filled in when you type in an address in the location field. Since you’re using Client Side Scripting, you must run a script to get the lat/lng for each address. We suggest putting a trigger or a similar method in whenever you edit the location field. We provide an example script in the soSIMPLE Calendar starter file. It works like this:
      1. Insert from URL:” & calendar_data::Location
      2. Parse resulting XML to set the lat & lng fields.
    4. Then your maps will show all your locations.

    Since you need a license key to see or copy this script, for evaluation purposes I would recommend getting the lat/lng for a few addresses using Google Maps or another web site, and manually entering them into your lat/lng fields. Then the map will show your appointments relative to one-another.


  • in reply to: problems in the LAN #74416


    Make sure the IP address/url that you are using in the calendar, is the same one that you’re using to open your file from FileMaker Server. In other words, if you are using in your launcher, make sure you’re using the same IP address in the web viewer. If you are using, then use that that in the web viewer.

    You can also check what IP address you’re using by entering “get(hostipaddress)” from the data viewer.

  • in reply to: problems in the LAN #74374


    Did you upgrade from an earlier version of soSIMPLE? I’m not sure if this is related or not, but there is a bug that we’ll be releasing a patch for, that reverts back to the default php address when you open soSIMPLE Calendar Settings. The fix, until we release the patch, is to re-register the software (also in the gear).

    You can verify that it fixes the bug by entering your external address in the path field, then re-opening the Settings file and verifying it’s still there.

    Please let me know if that fixes it.


  • in reply to: problems in the LAN #74371


    Hi Stefano –

    I’m glad to hear that’s working.

    Now that you’re using the Public IP everywhere, make sure all location that you use the calendar show the public IP, and not the internal ID:

    • Web Viewer
    • Any scripts that set the web viewer
    • Inside soSIMPLE Calendar Settings:
      • Under the Gear icon, path to php page
      • Inside the Data Source setting (try Single Server – if that’s not working, enter the external IP address there, too)

    We didn’t have you enter anything into the Custom JS field in Options, did we?

    Let me know how it works out.

  • in reply to: Resource view not working #74345

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  • in reply to: Resource view not working #74342

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