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Typically your router allows you to use the external address for all users ( So try putting that into your soSIMPLE Calendar Settings, and all of your calendars can use that.
But some routers don’t do that. More info here: Need help configuring soSIMPLE on two servers
If you need to use two different IP addresses, you don’t need two different layouts. You can just assign the IP address based on get(hostipaddress). That function will always give you the IP address that FileMaker is connecting to, whether it’s internal or external.
In our starter solution, this value can be changed in the “Setup Calendar” script right after it gets $calendar_path from the Settings file.
If the Event Display field is a calculation resolving to empty (“”) the background/blocked events will be blank.
I wasn’t clear if you’ve done your own integration, or if you’re using our starter file.
If you’re doing your own integration, our Advanced Find feature might help you.
I usually try to steer new users away from Advanced Find because debugging it is a challenge.
But since you’re already using Advanced Find, you can try using it for calculating the text field.
- Include in the ‘&find_parameter’ the name or id of the current user.
- In the Advanced Find script, create a global variable ($$calUser for example) of the user passed via the parameter
- Use the global variable in the calculation of the Event Display field. So events whose ID field matches $$calUser show text, the others are blank. “”
Another way to do this, if you have trouble with the Advanced Find, is to create two separate data sources and attach them both to the calendar. The first data source will be filtered by the user, using our URL filtering method; the second data source will show all events as background/block events.
Let us know how it goes.
We moved this reply to its own support thread. The original support thread was server-powered and this issue is regarding standalone. The original user can see the resource names, but not the events. From what I understand, you don’t see the view at all.
Populating the calendar (with events, and with resources) is completely different using standalone mode. When you’re using server-powered mode, all events are queried from the server. When you’re using standalone mode, your scripts export the events and resource list to a data file in your temporary folder. Because the server automates this process with server-powered mode, the standalone method is a little bit less intuitive.
The trick for standalone resources is in the export script (by default called “Export Events Standalone”).
There are about 11 lines in this script (see attachment) that are responsible for creating a resource list to be exported, based on the value list that you’re using. The first line defines the name of your value list, the rest of the lines loop through the list of resources to create the code required for soSIMPLE. Assuming you’re using our script, everything there should work with only one modification: make sure the the name of the value list is the same name you’re using:
Set Variable [ $resource_list ; Value: ValueListItems ( “”;”<name of your value list here>” ) ]
Also, make sure that you’ve updated the field data.json to include the correct field name for your resources.
And (if you’re not seeing events at all) make sure you’ve selected the data.json field in the in export records script step.
You must be logged in to view attached files. -
Hi Stefano –
Please refer to this article to set your time format to European:
For your second question – you do not have as much control over the event popup window for Web-based calendars as you do for FileMaker-based calendars. By default, only the Date, Time, Event Text field, Resource and Location is shown.
There are some customization options as well:
- If you assign “Custom Fields” in the Data Source settings, those custom fields will show instead of your standard form.
- We can create custom forms with exactly the look and fields that you need. This is a development service.
- If you’re using WebDirect, we may be able to customize your solution to use FileMaker layouts for data entry. This is a service we’re beginning to experiment with.
More on Custom Fields: and
There are many ways to work with soSIMPLE Calendar.
Any time you drag or double-click an event on the calendar a script in your solution runs (by default, the “soSIMPLE Action Script”). This script can do whatever you want it to do.
The way we have our starter solution setup and our default script setup is like this: when the Action script is run a new window opens up, finds the event, and pauses. Then when you click resume, the Action script continues.
With any of our licenses, you are given a developer-level password to the soSIMPLE Calendar starter file that allows you to edit all scripts and layouts in this file.
Even before you purchase, you can embed the calendar into your own solution by following this 5-minute video-assisted tutorial.
The “Get it All” version includes all features of Standalone and all of Server-Powered/Team license. It doesn’t add any benefits if you’re not using FileMaker Server.
You can use a single standalone license for that.
STANDALONE LICENSE: License for single user. May be used on a single computer or iOS device. May be shared locally using FileMaker’s peer-to-peer sharing with up to 5 users.
The events will show in the resource and timeline views when the Resource field in the event (the one with the value list assigned) is set to the same value as the Resource shown in the header.
To narrow down this question – is the field storing a resource key, or the actual resource name?
Some things to check:
- Make sure there’s only one copy of the resource field on your data source layout.
- Check the field type for the resource field – you usually want that to be a text field.
If you’re still having problems, please send a screenshot of the data source layout showing an event that has a resource assigned. Please also send a corresponding screenshot of the calendar resource view for that day. If this is a public facing calendar you can also send the url to the calendar itself.
Please use “Set as private reply” if you’re sending any urls or private information.
Hi Claus –
The events from iCal all come in read-only. So double-clicking them doesn’t trigger a script or initiate any action.
If you’re interested in hiring us for custom development, we could change the behavior for specific iCal feeds to trigger a script and send some information about the event to the script. Changes wouldn’t be written back to the iCal source, but you could still perform some action based on the content of the iCal event.
If you’d like an estimate for this work, please reply back as a private message.
I just noticed that you posted in standalone section. Editing the image files is not an option for standalone calendars – just for FileMaker Server-powered.
Hello D –
You can enter any number in that setting. You’ll get a warning that you didn’t pick from the list, but it will still scale correctly.
However – the lines on calendar itself don’t change, just the scale on the left. That’s why those numbers were chosen. Numbers in between won’t line up with the calendar grid. If you’re so inclined, you can edit the image files databg_now.png and databg.png to match your new height. These files are stored in the soSIMPLE web directory “imgs_” folders, depending on the layout type you chose.
Yes – that’s the correct script.
To use resource view:
- In your Data Source setup (in soSIMPLE Calendar Settings), tell soSIMPLE what field you’re using for your resource.
- On the same layout that your using for the Data Source setup, assign a value list to the resource field. That value list will be used as your resource list.
– make sure there’s only one copy of the resource field on the layout.
– the value list cannot be dynamically set by globals or global variables. The list can be static or based on a field, and it can include a second second field if are using IDs and labels for the resources.
more info:
We have not heard of any issues running on FileMaker 16. What version was running previously, when it was working? FileMaker 16 is more particular about security – for example, if you’re accessing your FileMaker 16 solution over a secure connection, the web viewer also has to be secure (i.e. it must start with “https://”). Let me know if that’s what’s happening. From what you’re describing, it sounds like it could be an MBS compatibility issue. Our latest version includes a recent version of MBS that should be compatible with FM16.03. You can also get the most recent version from their web site, and use soSIMPLE to register it.
For your second question, I’m a little confused about what you’re trying to do. The only time the default calendars come up is when you’re in the soSIMPLE Calendar Settings file. We don’t allow deletion of the default calendars because we use those from support purposes. However they won’t show up anywhere in your own solution, unless you’re specifically referencing them in the web viewer URL.
This article explains the features of a blocked event:There’s not much in the way of documentation so here are the details:
- Assign a “Display Type” field for your Data Source
- In the Display Type field of in your calendar event record, you can have the text, “Block” or “Background”.
- Both these types of events look the same on the calendar
- translucent in the background of the calendar
- color is assigned from color field
- text is displayed from the text field (for many uses you may not want text, so just leave that field blank)
- tooltips also display based on the tooltip field, but as standard tooltips, not the rich text ones that normal events have.
- Block will also stop you from dragging or dropping on that area of the calendar.
- If you’ve also assigned a resource to your event, the “block” or “background” event will only show on the resource views (Resource, Planner and Timelines)
- If you haven’t assigned a resource to your event, all the views (including the resource views) will show the event in the background.
Keep in mind, since there’s no way to double-click a background event, you’ll have to edit it manually by searching for it in your events table (or you could create another calendar that ignores the background flag, and use that for editing).
You can also have an entire data source represent background or blocking events. For this you use the “defaults” section of the data source.
Also keep in mind, a blocked event is a useful tool to stop casual users from cross-scheduling events. But it is by no means fail-proof. There is nothing stopping your user from creating an event by other means and setting the time in conflict with something on the calendar. The blocked event just stops them from dragging or dropping on the calendar views.
September 25, 2017 at 11:58 am in reply to: Relational value lists not working as resource list #74298
I can understand how it gets a little confusing since some of the technology we’re using is server-side and some is not.
When you set up your web viewer, you are in FileMaker Pro. So you have access to your value list. You can use that value list to display specific columns by entering them in the URL.
For example, let’s say that you have a value list called “Staff” and it’s defined as a dynamic list based on the relationship from Company.
If you put the Web Viewer for the calendar on a layout from the Company TOC, you will be able to see the the dynamic value list change.
“&filter_resource=” & Substitute ( ValueListItems(“MyFile”;”Staff”) ; ¶; “|”)
September 22, 2017 at 7:29 am in reply to: Relational value lists not working as resource list #74292
This is correct – value lists based on global fields will not work. This is because the resource list is fetched from the server not from the client. As a result, the server is not aware of global fields that have been set on the client.
The method you want to use is custom resources as shown here:
Keep in mind, the code above just filters the value list itself. If you also want to limit what data is visible, you’ll also want to filter the data:
Server-Powered Quick Filter (URL Filtering)
Yes, you can do that.
Add the following to your Custom JS field:
scheduler.config.active_link_view = “timeline_day”;
FileMaker Server 16 now installs all Custom Web Publishing on the master machine. The worker machines are just for WebDirect.
However the worker machines will handle CWP requests by proxying them to the master machine, if you prefer to do that for security reasons. There doesn’t seem to be a reason to do this for performance reasons, as performance will be better by bypassing the proxy and just addressing the master machine directly.
To troubleshoot your set up, I would first make sure that soSIMPLE is working on the master machine. If it works on the master machine as expected, then check that the web ports for the proxy are set up correctly in your firewall.
This is not possible to do with soSIMPLE in separate web viewers.
However, we have begun playing with the idea of dragging & dropping between multiple calendars within one web viewer. This would require some custom development from our team, but I think it would accomplish your goal.
Would you like us to put together an estimate for this? Feel free to private-post with details if you prefer.
Here are the import instructions:
You won’t need to change anything in your solution. All the code is updated within soSIMPLE Calendar Settings.
In the Data Source, you can assign a field to be the color.
The color field can be the result of a calculation in FileMaker. So you can calculate it to be whatever you’d like – it can be based on resource, based on status – whatever you’d like.
The color result should be either a web-supported color name, or a hex value including the “#” sign.
Thank you.
We have confirmed that adding the resource field to custom fields stops the resource fields from writing back to your file. We will look into this issue. Keep an eye on our facebook feed or twitter for an update notification. (both feeds linked at the top right of this page).
Hi rmdennis –
Are you using FileMaker 16 Server? Do you have REST enabled in the soSIMPLE config file? If so, try changing REST back to PHP.
If that’s not the issue, please confirm that none of the fields in your data source are calculation fields, including the custom fields. Instead you can use number or text fields with auto-enter calculations.
Let us know how it goes.
Awesome. Thanks for the update.