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  • in reply to: Forum User -> Account page blank? #75028



  • in reply to: Forum User -> Account page blank? #75021

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  • in reply to: fmGateway FIND action not working #75017


    I haven’t been able to test it yet – but is there a way to just do a straight up Find as the ‘Trigger’?  That is, a Find that doesn’t also require that it be ‘new’?

    The goal I was attempting to achieve was to find records that had been modified within a certain time frame (e.g. the past hour).  If I can only search amongst ‘new’ records, then that excludes records that were simply modified, of course.

  • in reply to: fmGateway FIND action not working #75013


    Do you know if that behavior, running the ‘action’ for every record, only applies to the Trigger event’s records?

    When I do a Schedule -> fmGateway Find -> Slack DM   Zap I’m only getting 1 message.  When I test the same Find query using Postman, I get 6 records back from the Data API.  So I would assume that the fmGateway Find results in the same record count.  Unfortunately I’m only getting 1 Slack message out of it.

    Here’s the outline of the Zap (attached).



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  • in reply to: fmGateway FIND action not working #75009


    When I set up a Zap using fmGateway’s ‘New Records’ step, it did send a separate Slack message for each new record that it found.

    I have not been able to find a specific Zapier ‘app’/action that would explicitly loop over the results from a previous Step and feed those results into a different Step, one at a time.

    <span style=”caret-color: #000000; color: #000000; font-family: -webkit-standard; font-size: medium;”>In my original testing, if my Find step (using fmGateway) returned multiple records, a follow-on Action step (e.g. send Slack direct message), would only send 1 message.  I would like it to send a separate message, 1 per each record found, using data from within each record of the found set.</span>

  • in reply to: fmGateway FIND action not working #75007


    I haven’t found a Zapier specific looping construct.  But curiously, using the fmGateway ‘New Records’ action, I do get separate messages for each new record that it found.  I’m testing that with a ‘Find’ operation.  (Up to now, I haven’t gotten multiple messages as a result of multiple found records.)

  • in reply to: fmGateway FIND action not working #75005


    Woot!  It looks like it has already been updated.  When I tested it I got one of the records that I expected.  Excellent!

    As a side note – do you have any tips for getting the Zap to iterate over multiple records returned from this Find?  I’ve just started looking into it.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by  JustinC.
  • in reply to: fmGateway FIND action not working #75003


    Cool!  Glad there was a specific issue.  I’ll keep testing it an see how it goes.  (I don’t suppose that there’s anyway for me to explicitly test/see what version of fmGateway I’m getting?)

  • in reply to: fmGateway FIND action not working #75001


    Well, it’s probably not an issue of just being done in the test sandbox – when I run this Zap from the dashboard (or when it ran automatically) it also only gave me information from the first record in the table – which shouldn’t have been returned by the Find query.

    So that seems to leave fmGateway as the only remaining variable.  I’m pretty sure that I have configured things correctly in the Zapier config page for the Find query…

  • in reply to: fmGateway FIND action not working #75000


    I did some further testing.  I am able to query my DB directly via the DataAPI (using Postman) with this query criteria:

    {“z_StatusModifiedTS”: “>=06/14/2018 09:10:00”}

    But when I try this string in the “z_StatusModifiedTS” configuration field of the fmGateway Zap…

    >=06/14/2018 09:10:00

    …the test record returned is the first one in the table and does not match the Find criteria.  (When I put quotes around it, it was giving me an error.)

    Is this just an artifact of the Zap test step – it’s not really fully running the query?

    I’ve enabled the Zap and will see if things work as hoped; it should run in about 15 minutes.

  • in reply to: fmGateway FIND action not working #74998


    Trying again with the screenshot of my Zapier Find request field definition.

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